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How to publish your blog on Super Notion Blog

January 13, 2022

The current state of Super Notion Blog


Super Notion Blog is currently optimized to display author maejimayuto's blog. Therefore, the / top page and the /blog post list page are implemented with Next.js, and are not Notion-created pages. All of the /blog/[slug] pages under /blog show pages created with Notion.

In future development, we would like to abolish / and /blog, and just specify the Notion page corresponding to / as in https://super.so/, and the following pages will be displayed in the same tree structure as the pages created by Notion. The following pages will be displayed in the same way as the tree structure of the page created by Notion.

How to publish a blog using Super Notion Blog

  • Update the top page of / with your own information
  • Update the article list page of /blog with your own information
  • Change the site name, favicon, etc
  • Deploy to Vercel

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to help! @maejimayuto

How to create a blog post

  1. Click New in the database created in the following steps to add a new row
  2. Fill in the Title, Slug and Date
  3. Put the text in the page area of Notion
  4. Check Published to publish the article